Please tell me there is somebody in Sidney who can redesign the city's website?
See it here
No wonder nobody complained about the bright colors I used on my blog. Look at
this page for the parks department. It's so
non-park like. It's anything but restful. It looks like somebody was eating rainbow Fruit-by-the-Foot then found web-design inspiration by watching
Yo Gabba Gabba.
You have to click the links to check out the site. I'm not as great at capturing screen shots as I am skilled about complaining about stuff. I just think that now that there has been a movie about Sidney, it's time to step it up a notch, in case people check out the city. In contract, the
Sidney Visitor's Bureau has done a nice job with their site, but it's on the other end of the spectrum. The City's official website is
too wild, and the visitor's bureau site is a little on the ho-hum side. Maybe they should meet in the middle, or at least sort of coordinate with each other so the two sites blend better.
There are companies who build websites for city and county governments. Gov Office is one of them, and they appear to do a nice job . It would be nice if Sidney could have somebody like Gov Office take care of it, if they have nobody on staff who can build a website. Another idea I have is that there is probably a web-designer in Sidney who would be willing to take on the project, just in exchange for the advertising and exposure he would get. The second option is free and would help a Sidney resident.